Vinay Kumar B. R.



fname: v.k

lname: bindiganavile.ramadas

I am a post-doctoral researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology working with Nelly Litvak and Remco van der Hofstad. I am funded by the NETWORKS COFUND program. Prior to this, I spent two beautiful years in INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée working with Konstantin Avrachenkov in the NEO team. I did my Ph.D. in the Department of ECE at the Indian Institute of Science under the guidance of Navin Kashyap. My thesis was titled “Probabilistic Forwarding of Coded Packets for Broadcasting over Networks”.

Broadly, my research falls in the area of random graphs and network science. I am interested in problems that involve a graph structure and complex interactions between the network elements. My research goal is to propose and analyze robust mathematical models that capture different physical phenomena observed on practical networks.


Jun 2024 Short talk on Community Detection on Block Models with Geometric Kernels presented at the 19th Workshop on Modelling and Mining Networks (WAW 2024).
May 2024 Participated in the Lake Como Summer School on Complex Networks and gave a short talk there.
Mar 2024 Poster on Community Detection on Block Models with Geometric Kernels presented at the Young European Probabilists workshop (YEP 2024).
Mar 2024 Paper on Community Detection on Block Models with Geometric Kernels available on arXiv. Joint work with Konstantin Avrachenkov and Lasse Leskelä.
Feb 2024 Paper on Spatial Queues with Nearest Neighbour Shifts available on arXiv. Joint work with Lasse Leskelä.